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Effects of dehydration on body

1. Bad Breath:
We forget to drink water in our busy lives. You will only realize that you have not drank water when your co workers go away from you and your breath stinks.

2. Lack of stamina:
Body’s stamina decreases when body is dehydrated. When only 2% of water lacks in body, the stamina of body decreases by 10%.

3. Dry skin:
Drinking a lot of water is required for healthy, glowing skin. Using moisturizer on skin is also as important.

4. Effect in driving ability:

In an article published by a journal called Physiology and Behavior it was written that being dehydrated results in lack of concentration while driving.

5. Tiredness:

Dehydration results in low blood pressure, increase in pace of heart and lack of blood flow in brain. This makes body tired. Not only that dehydration makes the muscles of the body weak.

6. Bad mood:

Effects of dehydration is not only seen physically but also mentally. In an article published in journal of nutrition is was mentioned that dehydration makes people angry, lazy, sad and also results in lack of concentration in work.

7. Cools body down:
Water in blood works to keep body warm and also maintain temperature. Dehydration results in excretion of warm water which makes body cold.

8. Problem in vision:

Dehydration does not only result in lack of proper blood circulation in muscles but also in brain. Which results in problem in vision.

9. Headache:

According to doctors dehydration results in development in amount of serotonin. Which causes headache. So it is better to drink a glass of water during headache.

10. Constipation:

Water is required for digested food to pass in intestine. When people do not drink water the water from the things in intestine get absorbed by body and it becomes hard. Which causes constipation.

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